A quick guide on how to backup your Prime Infrastructure Server to a remote SFTP repository.
As of default, defaultRepo, the backup is placed locally on the appliance disk. For obvious reasons, this is not feasible in a production environment.
The web interface, found under “Administration > Background Tasks > Other Background Tasks > Prime Infrastructure Server Backup” allows you to create a remote FTP repository.
In order to create a SFTP repository, you configure the parameters through CLI
Configure a new SFTP repository
netw-apl-pi01/admin# configure terminal
netw-apl-pi01/admin(config)# repository remoteRepoSFTP
netw-apl-pi01/admin(config-Repository)# url
cdrom: disk: ftp: http: https: nfs: sftp: tftp:
netw-apl-pi01/admin(config-Repository)# url sftp://
netw-apl-pi01/admin(config-Repository)# user ciscopibackup password plain AwesomePassword
netw-apl-pi01/admin(config-Repository)# exit
netw-apl-pi01/admin(config)# end
Verify the configuration
netw-apl-pi01/admin# show run
Generating configuration…
hostname netw-apl-pi01
! Abbreviated
repository remoteRepoSFTP
url sftp://
user ciscopibackup password hash b982d0f0eea0a21369a1de7762baa391ddca2112
repository defaultRepo
url disk:/defaultRepo
Verify you can browse the repository, thus making sure connectivity and authentication is valid
netw-apl-pi01/admin# show repository remoteRepoSFTP
Remember to save the configuration
netw-apl-pi01/admin# write memory
Hope this helps.